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I'm a pastor's wife who has just transitioned from 35+ years of ministering to students. I am passionate about people and about seeing them grow in God's truth.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Last week, as I was listening to the CD of our choir's Christmas cantata, I heard something the narrator said about the ones who traveled far to worship the Christ child.  Now this was nothing new to me, but it struck my heart like it had at no other time in my life.  I began to think of the miles those people traveled, the inconveniences they went thru, the nights they couldn't sleep with their own families in their own homes, the weariness they must have suffered because of the travelling conditions, the fear they may have felt as they made their way past wild creatures and those who desired to rob them, and the list goes on.  You can use your imagination, can't you?  I just pictured them determined to keep on because the end result would be to bow down at the feet of the Promised One, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Christ child born in a manger.  And then my heart sank as I thought about how sometimes I am not willing to turn off the TV, or the computer, or my phone, or walk in the other room to a quiet place, all to kneel at the "feet" of my Savior.  Crushed, I wept before the Lord.  "Yes; I will make time for You!  Yes; I will sacrifice for You!  Yes; I will give You everything!  Yes; I will worship You, for You are WORTH IT!!!!"  After all, that is the BEST gift I can give Him, not just at this time of year, but every day of the year.  I hope you'll do the same.

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