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I'm a pastor's wife who has just transitioned from 35+ years of ministering to students. I am passionate about people and about seeing them grow in God's truth.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Most little girls like to play “dress up” and be a princess for a day. Although I liked to play “dress up” as a child, I usually chose a cowboy outfit or one that represented a superhero. I was not your average little girl. My dad, though, treated me like a princess. In fact, that’s what my daddy called me ‘til the day he died. Recently, a friend of mine asked the question: When I get to be (let’s say) 50, will my daddy still call me his princess? It reminded me of the power of our words.

One little word – princess – spoken to a little girl makes her feel like royalty! How many little girls out there are waiting for that kind of spoken love? Sad to say, many will never hear it from their dads or the men in their lives. They need us, as Christian sisters, to reveal to them that, as the King’s daughters, they ARE royalty! They ARE His princesses! They ARE His treasured possessions! What kind of a difference do you think that would make in the life of a child, a teenager, or a young woman? Proverbs 25:11 says, A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Sounds to me like our words are pretty powerful and, when spoken appropriately, bring much delight. I encourage you to look around you for those young women who never “hear” love spoken to them. What can you do to change the way they feel about themselves and about the Father?